Special Needs Product Review

Reviews on disabililty equipment and special education resources

If you've ever used a disability product yourself, or if you've ever bought special needs products for someone else, then chances are you've formed some strong opinions about what works and what doesn't.

Here's your chance to share your knowledge and opinions in our special needs product review center.

Let us know what works and what features make products effective or easy to use.

If you've found products that disappoint, let us know that too. Was the product not a good choice to meet your special needs, or would a better design have helped? What would you change about the product to make it more user friendly?

You'll be doing us all a favor by sharing your knowledge of what works and what doesn't - and why.

Have an opinion on special needs products?

Share it! Let us know what you've tried and why you chose it. What worked and what didn't?
Is there anything you would change?

Would you recommend this product to others? Why or why not?

What Other Visitors Have Said

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Time Timer Not rated yet
The Time Timer has been amazing for my whole family, especially my 10yo Aspie but also for my 4 and 6 yo sons. They can watch the Timer and see how much …

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